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Saving your design

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There are many scenarios where you will want to save the latest version of your email design – either to continue editing later, to share with your team, or to send.

Saving a design for the first time

When you first save a design, you will be prompted to give the design a name and can save it in your team's TeamCloud; making it available for all team members and across your personal devices:


Saving to continue editing

If you've finished working on your design for the time being, simply click the X to close the Mail Designer 365 design window. You will then be shown the save dialog:


Using your design with Testmail, Crew Chat or Delivery Hub

When you use your email design with Testmail, Crew Chat or Delivery Hub, Mail Designer 365 automatically updates the latest design version in TeamCloud to use with these services.

For example, clicking on the Crew Chat icon in the toolbar automatically triggers saving.

You can see when a new version is being uploaded whenever the TeamCloud upload icon is displayed in the toolbar:



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Advanced Design Techniques


Blend Modes


Configuring Text Styles

Creative Tools

Editing Text

Graphics and Other Objects

HTML Export

Image Areas


Layout Blocks

Links and Buttons

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Other Sharing Options

Plain Text

Preparing your Design for Sending

Preview your Design



Using Retina Images with your Design

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