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Adding layout blocks for the mobile version

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Sometimes you may want to add exclusive content for mobile users. In Mail Designer 365 you can make changes to your design so that certain layout blocks will only be visible in the mobile version.

To get started, switch your design to the Smartphone view:

Accessing layout blocks here works the same as in the Desktop view. Simply go to "Contents" > "Layout Blocks" and choose your block:

After you've dragged a block into your mobile design, you will notice the layout block is now labelled ”MOBILE ONLY.” This indicates that this particular layout block will only be displayed if the recipient is reading your newsletter on a smartphone or mobile device and won't be visible in the Desktop view.


A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Advanced Design Techniques


Blend Modes


Configuring Text Styles

Creative Tools

Editing Text

Graphics and Other Objects

HTML Export

Image Areas


Layout Blocks

Links and Buttons

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Other Sharing Options

Plain Text

Preparing your Design for Sending

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Using Retina Images with your Design

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