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Choosing a background

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Adding an email background

There's an icon in the lower left corner of the window. Click it to switch to the background editing mode.

It will make your other contents invisible. This way, you can focus on changing your main email background. When choosing a background, you will see two areas: the background of your text areas in the middle of your design and the surrounding background area:

To apply a background color or photo background

First, click the bottom left icon:

When you are in the background view, the icon will be highlighted in blue:

Drag a photo background, image, or texture into the background area to apply it.

You can also open the Colors window and choose a color as your design background.

Color picker

Click the pipette in the ”Colors” window and pick any color form your desktop.

Additional options

With Mail Designer 365 you have even more options: Images are great for background. You can freely position your background image by clicking and dragging it to the place you want it to be. In this way you can make sure that the important part of the image is visible. In the sidebar, you will also find a zoom slider for additional customization.




A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Advanced Design Techniques


Blend Modes


Configuring Text Styles

Creative Tools

Editing Text

Graphics and Other Objects

HTML Export

Image Areas


Layout Blocks

Links and Buttons

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Other Sharing Options

Plain Text

Preparing your Design for Sending

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Using Retina Images with your Design

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