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Exporting to other email marketing tools

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In addition to integrated sending options for email campaigns, Mail Designer 365 also supports all major email service providers. If your newsletter provider supports custom HTML templates with images, you should be able to export your design from Mail Designer 365 and import the HTML into your tool of choice.

Preparing your design for import

Depending on your service, you may need to import your design in one of the following ways:

‣ Create and upload a compressed zip archive containing all of the files you exported from Mail Designer 365

‣ Upload your HTML file and a separate zip file containing all of your images

‣ Copy & paste the contents of your HTML file and upload your images

‣ Upload all of the exported files individually

Getting help with other email marketing tools

This manual can only outline the basic steps required to upload a design to an email marketing tool. As every newsletter service works differently, you’ll need to consult the documentation provided by your email service provider to see if it is possible to import custom HTML templates and how they recommend you upload your design.

A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Advanced Design Techniques


Blend Modes


Configuring Text Styles

Creative Tools

Editing Text

Graphics and Other Objects

HTML Export

Image Areas


Layout Blocks

Links and Buttons

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Other Sharing Options

Plain Text

Preparing your Design for Sending

Preview your Design



Using Retina Images with your Design

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