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Mail Designer 365 Best Practice Guide

By A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Mail Designer 365 makes HTML email design easy, but there are still some key things to be aware of when it comes to building your email templates. This quick guide shares our top 5 best practices when using Mail Designer 365.

1. Always use text styles

Text styles make your design more reliable when sending, as they are automatically set up with a fallback font. This means your text will be displayed using an email safe font, should there be any compatibility issues with the first font you've chosen.

In this example, there is no text style or no fallback font set up. If the font 'Allerta Stencil' is unavailable, readers will receive an unformatted message.

You can learn more about setting up text styles here.

It is also a good idea to set up text styles, as they help you to keep all text consistent throughout your design. Without a style, editing newsletter text is more difficult, as you will have to apply changes to every section of your design manually.

2. Use text layout blocks for email copy

Use the designated text layout blocks for any email copy, as you may run into compatibility issues otherwise. Email designs which are purely made up of images often encounter problems after sending.

What could go wrong?

  • Some email providers block images in emails by default. Your all-image email will appear blank and readers will miss your message.
  • Using only images also increases the size your email; making it much slower to load.
  • Spam filters can detect and trap image-only emails as a precaution.

This email consists solely of image elements. Although it's hard to see a problem while editing inside Mail Designer, after sending, you could run into compatibility issues.

Decorative text like buttons and eye-catchers are ok to go in an image area. Any copy which is important to the message of your email should be displayed in a text block.

This design looks almost the same as the first, but is much better practice. Text is contained in text blocks and images in image areas.

3. One link per image block

Unlike text blocks, where you can include as many different text links as you like, you can only use one link per image block. This is because the link attaches itself to the entire area of the block, rather than the individual design element you are referring to.

In this example, 4 buttons have been placed in one image block. Only one link will work per image area.

To link two or more images (e.g. social media buttons, product catalogue listings, etc.), you will need to use a multi-image layout block as a workaround. Each design element needs to be linked inside its own image area in order for the links to work correctly.

Use a multi-image layout block if you want to add additional links.

You can find more information on how to insert multiple image links here.

4. Think about your mobile version

You can customise content in the smartphone view to make it more suitable for mobile users. This is done by detaching the respective layout blocks to separate them from the main design (see this tutorial.)

We would advise against detaching all of your mobile blocks from the main layout. Not only does it create a much larger file size (you essentially have two email designs in one), it also means that any changes you make to the content of your email will have to be made twice.

Detaching all of your mobile blocks from your main layout as shown here will increase the size of your design file and make editing more difficult.

5. Don't change your design following export

As we have no means of testing external or custom code, our team cannot guarantee that changes made outside of Mail Designer 365 app will be compatible.

It is best practice to carry out any changes inside the app and re-export new versions until you have settled on your final design.

When you are copying your exported code into your ESP's editor, don't change any aspects of it. We cannot guarantee your design will look the same as you intended it to if you change it.

A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

How to use the search and sort features in Mail Designer 365

By A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

With Mail Designer 365 you can use the search and sort option to organize your designs to your preference and also search for designs when you're in a hurry. Here's how...

How to quickly find a design

In the top right-hand corner of the design chooser you can find a search box:

Use this search box to quickly search a design by name:

How to sort your designs

Make sure that you are on the "My Designs" section of your Mail designer 365 window. The sort feature is not available in the "All Design Ideas" section.

In the bottom bar of the "My Designs" section of the design chooser you can find the sort menu:

Click on an option to sort your designs to your personal preference. For example, you can choose to sort your designs from the following options:

If you click on an option, your sort preference will be applied to your designs and automatically remembered by Mail Designer 365. For example, here designs have been sorted alphabetically (Title A-Z.)


A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options


Changing the language settings of Mail Designer 365

By A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Changing the language

You can change the language of all equinux Software products by changing the language settings of your device. For instance, on the Mac, you can do the following:

Open "System Preferences."

Click "Language & Region."

Change to your preferred language by clicking the "+" button. A popup will appear where it will let you choose the language you want to add. Please note, Mail Designer 365 is currently only available in English, German and Chinese.

Click "Add" once you have chosen.

Drag your preferred language to the top of the list. The language on top will be the one that applies.

If you have not already done so, close your software by choosing "Mail Designer 365" > "Quit Mail Designer."

Reopen Mail Designer 365. The program will now be in the language you have chosen.


A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options


Early access to Beta versions of Mail Designer 365

By A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

What is a beta version?

Beta versions are versions that are available for testing. Please note: These are not the final versions that will be released to the public. However, many people may want to try a beta version. It gives them a chance to check out some of the more current changes and improvements to the software. People can also report bugs, glitches, and other flaws to the developers. This is helpful because issues can then be addressed before the public release of an official version.

How can I get a beta version of Mail Designer 365?

If you've bought Mail Designer 365 from our website, you can have access to the beta versions of Mail Designer 365 by becoming part of our Insider Program. Please note: The Insider Program is not available if you bought Mail Designer 365 from the Apple Mac App Store.

Become a Mail Designer 365 Insider...

Open Mail Designer 365 on your Mac. Choose "Mail Designer 365" > "Preferences" from the top menu bar.

Click the "Updates" tab and check the "Get Early Access to beta versions" box.

Since Beta versions are meant to test features and compatibility, Mail Designer 365 will remind you to have a backup of your app and designs.

Click "Understood" whenever you are ready. Once you've restarted the app, you will be able to see whether you are using a Beta version by the label in the top right corner of the app window:


When it comes to checking for updates, Mail Designer 365 will check for new versions on app start. Also, you can choose "Mail Designer 365" >" Check for Updates…" from the top menu bar.

A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

Keyboard shortcuts for alignment tools

By Gabrielle A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Alignment Tools Keyboard Shortcuts

With versions Mail Designer 365, you have access to different keyboard shortcuts for aligning your graphic elements.

In case you do not want to use the Align Position tool manually, then feel free to remember these helpful shortcuts:



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

Appendix: Keyboard shortcuts

By Gabrielle A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Keyboard Shortcuts

Here you will find keyboard shortcuts that you can use in Mail Designer 365:



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

Basic compatibility tips

By Gabrielle A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Email designs are made easier with Mail Designer 365. Here are some basic compatibility tips we would like to share with you:


Certain email programs (notably Outlook 2007 and 2010) have issues displaying several layers of backgrounds. To maximize compatibility, assume that your primary background color will show up. Make sure the font colors you choose will work with that color.


A sidebar layout item may not always display as intended. This is particularly true if it has a separate background color. Instead, you may want to place sidebar details in a regular layout element. This will help improve compatibility.

Choosing Fonts

We highly recommend that you stick to the "web-safe" fonts. When choosing a font within a layout block, web-safe fonts are shown in Mail Designer 365 by default. If you choose another font, then it may not display on your recipient's computer as intended.

Include a compatibility link

Export your newsletter as a HTML web page. You can include a link to it in your email, allowing readers with older email clients to read your newsletter in their browser as you intended it to be displayed.

Click File > Export as HTML.



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

Creating a new design

By A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Design Ideas - Inspiration for beautiful emails

Mail Designer 365 includes several “Design Ideas.” These are common email layouts you can use as a starting point for a new email design.

Choose from the wide selection of templates. Or you can start with a template from templates purchased In-App. Just double-click a design in the chooser window to create a new design based on that Design Idea.

You can also click on the "Use this design" button on the bottom right:

The design will open in a new window - ready for you to start editing!



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

The Style section

By A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Style options

The "Style" section in Mail Designer 365 allows you to format text or objects within an image area from one central place. Depending on the element you have selected, you will see the corresponding style options in the sidebar.

Text Area: Style, Body Text, Emphasis, List, Link

Shape: Link & Background, Fill, Position, Size, Rotate, Flip, Align, Group, Border, Shadow

Image Area: Comment, Link, Alt Text, Optimize, Edit Background, Delete & Zoom, Library




A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options