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Mail Designer 365 1.1 Update

By 14. November 2017July 13th, 2018Mail Designer 365 Blog

Mail Designer 365 version 1.1 is here, and with this update comes some seriously exciting new changes! You now have access to a whole new world of design possibilities with our brand new Unsplash feature and we've made some more major improvements to the app too.

New Features

Exciting new Unsplash integration

Boost your backgrounds with Mail Designer 365's brand new Unsplash integration. This new feature gives you access to thousands of images, which are all covered by the Unsplash license, meaning you are free to use them commercially in your designs! To learn more about the Unsplash license, read this useful FAQ. You can find Unsplash in the Backgrounds tab of the Contents menu, where you can choose from our specially curated collection of images, or search for a particular theme to perfectly fit your design. Like always, just drag and drop an image into your design for amazing results!

Rounded corners for images

Create unique, polaroid-style images with the brand new rounded corners tool. This tool is great for breaking up harsh edges in your design and making it even more visually interesting. Try using it on your featured image for a super stylish effect. Simply click on an image and then use the slider in the sidebar to adjust the roundness.


  • Pre-flight checks: fixed an issue in the HTML size calculation
  • An issue when saving instant layout blocks has been fixed
  • Text color changes are applied more consistently
  • We have re-arranged the order of the style controls in the sidebar to be more consistent

We hope you will start to explore all of these great new features straight away. If you purchased Mail Designer 365 from our website, click Mail Designer 365 and select check for updates from the the drop down menu to make sure you are up to date. If you purchased from the Mac App Store, please check the updates menu there for your free update.

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