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Mail Designer 365 Version 1.9.3 Update Guide

By 9. January 2020

Happy New Year! This new Mail Designer 365 version brings you some super important fixes and improvements to the app. Here's everything that's new in Mail Designer 365 1.9.3...

Release Notes

In this Mail Designer 365 version, we have carried out the following improvements for you...

  • A rendering issue that would clip views in mobile mode has been fixed.
  • A rendering problem which affected certain layout blocks has been resolved.
  • An issue with the shadow tool has been fixed.
  • A problem with blended images not being updated after text changes has been fixed.
  • An issue adding links to text has been corrected.
  • A font issue with one of the included text objects has been resolved.
  • A rendering problem affecting Blend Modes with background images has been corrected.
  • UI improvements when editing layout block backgrounds.
  • An issue rendering images in the smartphone layout has been fixed.
  • A crash in the image optimization panel has been fixed.
  • A crash in image masks, caused by empty images after cropping, has been fixed.
  • Two crashes related to fonts have been fixed.
  • The coordinates inside the cropping mask have been fixed for flipped images.

You can find a complete overview of all Mail Designer 365 updates on our release notes page. All the best for 2020!

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