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Mail Designer 365 Version 1.8.1 Update Guide

By 24. May 2019July 10th, 2019Mail Designer 365 Blog

Following on from our exciting 1.8 release, which introduced our brand new dynamic designs, we have a smaller update for you with version 1.8.1. This update is designed to make your design life easier and is made up of some useful productivity improvements as well as a few minor fixes...

What's new?

For quick and easy access, the “Lending” status of a design is now shown instantly in the Design Chooser. We have also added new folders for lent designs; making them easier to access.

Further improvements

We have also carried out the following improvements for you...

  • Approvals: Now only team members that have been invited to share feedback appear in the overview
  • An issue with fonts in tables has been fixed
  • The cursor no longer jumps when editing lists
  • Replacing images now works correctly with cropped images
  • Improved scaling of grouped elements with text

You can find a full list of all the latest changes and new features on our release notes page.

Remember, you can now send us your feedback and feature requests directly in the app using the brand new Feedback panel in the left-hand menu on the start page. We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Until next time!
Your Mail Designer 365 Team

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