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Helping educators stay connected with students

educational newsletter with institution branding

Save and re-use your institution's key brand elements

Emails that look and feel like you

Whether it's your school crest, key contact details, or a familiar newsletter layout: Easily create and save reusable design elements for all your future emails, ready to quickly fill in and send.

Thousands of possible layout combinations

Practical layouts for every use-case

Discover unique layout options for a variety of key educational use cases: Present course options in a mobile responsive table layout, or share important news stories using combi layout blocks.

educational email design with table layout

HTML email design made easy

Explore professional email templates designed for the education sector.

Reusable newsletter layouts

Drag & drop table editor and reusable layout options for clear and consistent designs.

Flexible sending options

Send individual emails to students/parents or, send mailings to your entire audience.

Ready-made email templates for education

Whether you're sending out a staff update, reaching out to alumni, sharing important course information, or promoting an open day event, Mail Designer 365 has a professional, ready-made email template for you.
HTML email template for school newsletters
HTML email template for universities and colleges
html email template for back to school parties and events

Build an Email Strategy for your Institution

Welcome emails

Marketing emails

Open days

Course information

 Study tips & advice


Alumni outreach

 Special events


Ready to send?
Your design is ready, now it's time to send! Bring your team on board to discuss designs in Crew Chat and schedule and send emails in Delivery Hub. Discover Mail Designer 365 Campaigns →

Get started with Mail Designer 365 today

Start your 7 day free trial and use your Mac to create stylish email newsletters for your school, college or university.
No credit card required
Compatible from macOS 10.13

Discover Mail Designer 365 for...

Thanks to a selection of specially designed email templates and sophisticated creative tools, Mail Designer 365 lends itself perfectly to an array of professional use cases:

mail designer 365 for startups


Build stylish layouts for launch emails, updates, or transactional emails for your startup.
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mail designer 365 for agencies


Create professional, custom made email designs that will perfectly reflect your client’s wishes.
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mail designer 365 for healthcare


Use email to streamline everyday communication between staff and patients in your medical practice.
Learn more…

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