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Create Colorful Image Effects

Add unique and colorful effects to your images with Duotone filters - exclusively available in Mail Designer 365 Business Premium plans.


Add eye-catching filters to your newsletter images

Bring images to life with a splash of color

Take inspiration from the classic pop art style and apply a bright and colorful Duotone filter to your image.
Choose from a selection of 14 fantastic filters; each with their own unique color hue.

Make it your own

Get creative and combine multiple filters to produce one of a kind effects.
Tip: Try mixing Barcelona and Seville to recreate that warm, summer glow.


Discover Business Premium

Upgrading to a Mail Designer 365 Business Premium plan gives you exclusive access to Duotone Filters and other amazing design features. See all premium features here.

How to upgrade

Carry out the following steps to cross-upgrade to a Business Premium plan:

  • Go to your portal. We have already preselected a yearly Mail Designer 365 Business Premium plan.
  • Review your payment interval, and the number of licenses you wish to purchase.
  • Select your payment method and complete your purchase.
  • Your new plan is now available for you to use in your team!

P.S. Don't have a team plan? Here's how to convert your plan.

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