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Get started with Campaigns

Download Mail Designer 365 for Mac and follow the 10 steps below to get started with Mail Designer 365 Campaigns:

1. Create a design

Open Mail Designer 365 on your Mac. Go to Design Ideas in the sidebar and choose your favorite design to get started. Today, we're going for a cat-themed campaign 😸

2. Preview your work

Click the Crew Chat icon in the Mail Designer 365 toolbar.

Now type in a name like "My first design in Crew Chat".
A browser window will open with a preview of your latest design version.

3. Start chatting

See the chat box in the bottom right of the Crew Chat window? Try it out by writing yourself a message about your design. Click the buttons to approve or decline.

4. Share your design with others
It's time to show off your work! Click "Invite members" in the top right corner to share your design with someone else.
Now enter an email address to send your first invitation. Don't sweat it, you can invite up to 10 new team members free of charge!
5. Time to test!
Switch back to the Mail Designer 365 app and hit the Test icon in the toolbar to send yourself a dry run of your campaign.

Once you’ve sent your test email, look out for the verification email in your inbox. This confirms the email address belongs to you. Click the link and you’re ready to start sending for real later in Mail Designer 365 Delivery Hub!

6. Let's add some contacts!

Who shall we send our first campaign to? If you're not sure at the moment, copy these email addresses – they're ours and you're free to use them to try out Campaigns!

Add new contacts by clicking Contacts in the Mail Designer 365 toolbar.

A new window will open. Paste email addresses into the address box to make up your first audience. Add your own email addresses too, if you like!

Now let's say all the new contacts you've added are cat lovers. Make a note of this by assigning them an attribute.

Try it out: Just enter "Interest" into the attribute field and click on "Create". To show they are interested in cats, enter "Cats" and click on "Create".

You can also attach further values to an existing attribute category to represent different interests – for example, "Dogs", "Reptiles", etc.

Finally, click on "Add contacts".

7. Calling all cat lovers

Your cat-themed campaign is bound to be a hit for your cat loving contacts, but for dog lovers and other contacts? Maybe not so much. Let's set up your first audience to consist only of cat fans.

Get started in the Audiences tab:

Create a new audience – let's call them "Cat Lovers". Pick out all the contacts interested in cats by choosing the "Interest" attribute you created earlier and selecting "Cats".

8. Prepare for takeoff

Let your recipients know an email is from you by updating your from address:

You’ll already see the email address you verified earlier. Now enter the name you want your recipients to see – i.e. your full name or company name.

9. 🔥 You're ready to send your first campaign!
Now it's time to create a new campaign:

To get started, choose the design you built in Mail Designer 365.

Next, choose your Audience. Here you will see the Cat Lovers target group you added earlier.

Now choose when to send your campaign: Send now or schedule for later.

Happy with your campaign settings? Select "Queue this mailing for delivery" and hit Review to go to the next step. Otherwise, you'll see the save option so you can come back to your campaign later.

Ready to go? Click the green button, you know you want to!

10. Way to go – you've sent your first campaign!

How did your campaign do? Open the analytics view and take a look around.
This is the place to come to monitor deliveries, email opens and clicks. For a test campaign, expect initial results like this:
However, once you really get started with Campaigns, get used to views like this:
Tip: If you added yourself as an email contact, try clicking on one of the links in the campaign and you'll see your click appear in realtime!
Congratulations, you're now ready to start using Campaigns! 🎉

Start FREE and customize for your needs

All Mail Designer 365 design plans come with a free Campaigns plan to help you get started. Ready to bring your whole team on board? Check out all options below:


Aliquam euismod erat libero, eu condimentum nisl hendrerit vel.
  • Free
    included with Design Plan
  • 10 TeamCloud Designs
  • 10 Crew Chat Members
  • 500 Email Stamps
  • 200 Contacts
per month $20


Aliquam euismod erat libero, eu condimentum nisl hendrerit vel.
  • $10.00
    per month
  • 40 TeamCloud Designs
  • 30 Crew Chat Members
  • 5,000 Email Stamps
  • 500 Contacts
per month $20


Aliquam euismod erat libero, eu condimentum nisl hendrerit vel.
  • $20.00
    per month
  • 80 TeamCloud Designs
  • 50 Crew Chat Members
  • 15,000 Email Stamps
  • 1,500 Contacts
per month $20


Aliquam euismod erat libero, eu condimentum nisl hendrerit vel.
  • $35.00
    per month
  • 160 TeamCloud Designs
  • 75 Crew Chat Members
  • 25,000 Email Stamps
  • 2,500 Contacts
per month $20


Aliquam euismod erat libero, eu condimentum nisl hendrerit vel.
  • $55.00
    per month
  • 200 TeamCloud Designs
  • 100 Crew Chat Members
  • 50,000 Email Stamps
  • 5,000 Contacts
per month $20


Aliquam euismod erat libero, eu condimentum nisl hendrerit vel.
  • $90.00
    per month
  • 250 TeamCloud Designs
  • 100 Crew Chat Members
  • 100,000 Email Stamps
  • 10,000 Contacts
  • Edit Links after Sending
per month $20
Displayed dollar prices are in USD.
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