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Getting started

This guide shows you how to invite Team Members, assign Approval plans and share your designs with your team.

Get started with approval

Step One: Invite Team Members

Step Two: Assign Approval plans

  • Once team members have accepted your invite, they will appear on the "Members" page ready to assign a plan.
  • If you haven't done so already, you can purchase as many standalone Approval plans as you need via the "Store" tab.
  • Then, click the dropdown menu next to the member's name and select an Approval plan to assign them.

Step Three: Upload a design from Mail Designer 365

Approval is the natural next step for your Mail Designer 365 workflow:

  • Build an email design in the Mail Designer 365 App
  • Upload design drafts from the app to Mail Designer 365 Approval.

Step Four: Discuss the design with your team on the web

  • Invite team members to give feedback and discuss designs.
  • Approve or decline drafts on any device.

Get started with approval

We want to hear from you!

Our team is always on hand ready to listen or lend a helping hand. If you have any feedback to share with us about your experience with Approval, or just need some extra help getting set up, get in touch!

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