Mail Designer 365 and your ESP

Mail Designer 365 has direct integration for newsletter services such as Mailchimp & Campaign Monitor. You can also export your design and use it with other newsletter sending services...

Send emails with other mailing list services

If your mass email distribution service is not listed amongst our guides, you can probably still get it to work with a design you create in Mail Designer 365.

The exact steps will be different for every email marketing service, but here's a rough outline of the steps of how to send bulk mail:

  • Choose "Send" > "Website / HTML" in Mail Designer 365
  • (Sometimes required) Set the image URL path where your mailing service will later host the images
  • Export the design to a folder on your Mac

Then, go to your newsletter sending service and look for the template upload option. Some email marketing services may want the images and HTML in one single zip file, other email newsletter services will require that you upload them individually – check for instructions on the template upload page. Then:

  • Upload the HTML template
  • Upload the images to the server specified on export
  • Select the template and choose it for your campaign

For more detailed instructions on how to send an email newsletter, check your newsletter service's "Help" section and look for "Import HTML" or "Uploading newsletter templates."

You can find our full range of step-by-step export guides here.